

Live Webinars

FAHQ is pleased to participate in the national multi-state Healthcare Quality Collective. FAHQ members and members of the Arizona (AzAHQ), Georgia (GAHQ), Michigan (MAHQ), New England (NEAHQ), North Carolina (NCAHQ), Ohio (OAHQ), or Oregon (OrAHQ), Texas Gulf Coast (TGCAHQ) associations, attend these webinars FREE! Find out more about the “Healthcare Quality Collective.”

Not a FAHQ member? JOIN OR RENEW FAHQ MEMBERSHIP and register for free.

Do You Want to Present a FAHQ Webinar?

The FAHQ Professional Development Team is looking for webinar presenters. We are committed to presenting four annual webinars as part of our commitment to make all of the Healthcare Quality Collective webinars available to our members for free.

Continue your own professional development by presenting a webinar and sharing your expertise with other healthcare quality colleagues at the same time!


Download Webinar Speaker FAQ or contact if you are interested and have questions.


NCAHQ Live Webinar

Keys to Healthcare Quality Improvement Understanding Projects, Overcoming Obstacles
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Ashleigh M. Allgood, MPH, MBA
Ashleigh Allgood is an Instructor in the Department of Health Services Administration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has over 10 years of experience in healthcare quality improvement and project management across the continuum of care. Ashleigh teaches courses on project management and process improvement methodologies like Lean Six Sigma, for which she holds a Black Belt certification.  Ashleigh has delivered education content on change management, project planning, risk mitigation, stakeholder engagement, and ensuring sustainability of improvement. Her professional background includes implementing quality initiatives funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to enhance care delivery and reduce costs in long-term care settings.

Program Description

  • Describe the key phases of project management and their relevance in healthcare quality improvement initiatives.
  • Identify common challenges in healthcare quality improvement projects.
  • Learn strategies to overcome common challenges in healthcare quality improvement projects

This event is pending approval by NAHQ for 1.0 CE hour for CPHQ® recertification credit.


FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER   HQC Webinar.  FAHQ Members may request a promotional code from FAHQ Webinars to register for free.

OAHQ Live Webinar

Advancing Toward Zero Harm by Redesigning and Automating Document Management
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Wendy Frasure
Policy System Administrator
University Hospitals Health System



Freda Juba
Publications Coordinator
University Hospitals Health System




Program Description:
University Hospitals (UH) is the largest network of hospitals, doctors and surgeons in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. Through mergers and acquisitions, UH has continued to grow and expand its mission. One of the challenges of growth includes conflicting and duplicate policies, contributing to clinical
and operational risk impacting employees and patients alike. As part of UH’s journey towards Zero Harm, UH took key steps to mitigate this risk through the implementation of PolicyStat and the adoption of the Policy Management Capability Model. The Policy Management Capability Model is organized into five components that outline an iterative, continuous improvement process to achieve
Principled Performance in policy management. UH will share how its structure, process, and outcomes have been transformed through this model, document management software and data to advance our culture of safety.


  • State the five components of the Policy Management Capability Model and their application in a health system.
  • Explain Zero Harm and its relationship to document management.
  • Discuss how an automated document management system can strengthen an organization’s culture of safety, technology and setting to ensure a seamless and professional presentation experience.

This event is pending approval by NAHQ for 1.0 CE hour for CPHQ® recertification credit.


FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER   HQC Webinar.  FAHQ Members may request a promotional code from FAHQ Webinars to register for free.

FAHQ Live Webinar

Thursday, July 31, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT


Manon Labreche, PT, CEAS 2, CPEP is a Physical Therapist, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist 2 and a Certified Posture Exercise Professional. She has managed the injury prevention program at Tampa General Hospital (TGH) for the past 24 years which includes office & industrial ergonomics, as well as a comprehensive safe patient handling and mobility program (SPHM).
The injury prevention program has received many accolades for their successful outcomes with reducing team member injuries by > 70% and the cost associated to those injuries has reduced by > 90%. In the past few years, Manon has led the TGH mobility program and is very passionate not only about team member safety, but patient safety as well.
Manon has published many articles on various SPHM topics, has served on many national task forces and she often speaks at webinars and conferences. She recently spoke at the national early mobility conference and served on the task force to revise the American Nurses Association SPHM Interprofessional standards.

Program Description:
Hospitalized patients spend most of their day in bed. Immobility can lead to many negative patient outcomes such as increased length of stay, falls, pressure ulcers, hospital acquired infections etc. This can be costly to an organization and affect patient satisfaction. Shifting to a culture of mobility can be challenging due to staffing levels, attitudes towards mobility, lack of equipment, patient motivation factors, etc. Attend this webinar and learn how a level 1 trauma center utilized the model for improvement to begin to shift to a culture of mobility. Their program includes peer leaders on each unit, a multidisciplinary work group and Mobility Aides. Since inception of the mobility aide pilot program, ambulation has increased by 287% on the pilot unit and the organization is now working to spread this program hospital wide.


This event has been submitted for pre-approval by NAHQ for 1.0 CE hour for CPHQ® recertification credit.

REGISTRATION OPEN. Healthcare Quality Collective members may request coupon code from to register for free.  Your membership will be verified.

FAHQ Live Webinar

CPHQ Prep Virtual Study Group Information Session
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT


Kathryn Clinefelter, RN, BSN, MSN, MBA, CPHQ, FNAHQ
With extensive experience in healthcare quality across the continuum from the acute care teaching hospital setting to managed care, Kathy now focuses on providing healthcare quality education with an emphasis on preparing professionals for the CPHQ exam through Partners in Healthcare Quality. She is  currently active in the Florida Association for Healthcare Quality (FAHQ) as a member of the Professional Development Team and the Conference Planning Team. She also serves as a CPHQ Prep Mentor for FAHQ and instructor for the NAHQ Live‐Virtual CPHQ Review Courses.

Kathy received her Bachelors and Master of Science in Nursing and Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Florida. She is a Fellow of the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) and a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ). Kathy has served in multiple leadership roles for the FAHQ. She is a past president of both FAHQ and NAHQ, and is a past member of the Healthcare Quality Certification Board.

Program Description:
This one‐hour information session is to introduce interested healthcare quality professionals to the planned Fall 2024 FAHQ CPHQ Prep Virtual Study Group, which starts September 24. The Study Group IS NOT a CPHQ Prep Course and the intent of this information session is to answer questions about what attendees can expect from the study group and how it might help them as they continue to prepare for the CPHQ Exam.

The CPHQ Virtual Study Group will be led by a CPHQ‐certified moderator as well as other CPHQ‐certified subject matter experts who will share their knowledge of the exam content outline, preparation tips, and effective use of additional resources. Our format will follow the 2023 CPHQ Content Outline. This year we are also including a free “Open Office Hour” weekly on Friday to answer additional questions and provide guidance for your preparation.


This event is an information session only and does not offer continuing education credit.

REGISTRATION OPEN.  This information session is free.  You will be registering directly in GoToWebinar, our online webinar platform.

FAHQ Live Webinar

Building Data Collection Tools with REDCap
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT


Michael Callahan, MSOR 
Michael is married to the love of his life, Sarah, with whom he is helping to raise and homeschool four young children in Palm Coast, Florida. In his free time, he works as an improvement consultant and project lead for the Mayo Clinic out of Rochester, MN. After beginning his career in manufacturing, he transitioned into healthcare, the industry he has called home for the last 10 years. His experience is diverse after holding positions in research and clinical areas, inpatient and outpatient settings, and with pediatric and adult hospital systems. A lifelong learner, he has obtained degrees in bioengineering, chemical engineering, and operations research, education that has equipped him well for a career rich with problem-solving and creative thinking.  Michael joined the Florida Association for Healthcare Quality (FAHQ) in 2022 and has been an active member of the FAHQ Conference Planning Team for two years.

Program Description:
REDCap, or Research Electronic Data Capture, is a web-based software and workflow tool widely available within the healthcare industry. This platform’s predominant use is as a data collection resource where users can build and distribute surveys for their applications. It also has powerful uses for process improvement, project management, and managing workflows. With some training, virtually any use case is within reach of the healthcare professional; anyone can quickly build simple to complex tools that save time and effort with a modest amount of practice. This interactive, follow-along workshop will orient the attendees to REDCap and teach them the vital few skills needed to begin building tools for their applications.


This event has been submitted for pre-approval by NAHQ for 1.0 CE hour for CPHQ® recertification credit.

REGISTRATION OPEN. Healthcare Quality Collective members may request coupon code from to register for free.  Your membership will be verified.

OAHQ Live Webinar

Nursing Peer Review in a Just Culture
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT

Michelle Schank, MSN, RN-BC, Administrator for Nursing Quality, TriHealth 

Program Description:
The presentation will define just culture and show how the TriHealth Nursing team uses this principle in our practice review. It will discuss two types of peer review to include periodic performance review and peer review when a safety event occurs. The Performance Management Decision Guide will be discussed and broken down into the four pathways to determine appropriate management and follow up after an incident. Examples of case reviews will be presented to the participants and discussion will follow.


  • Participants will learn to define and explain the importance of a fair and just culture and how a peer review process is completed in the organization.
  • Participants will understand the difference between human/individual errors versus system failures during a safety incident.
  • Attendees will understand the use of the Performance Management Decision Guide algorithm used during peer review.

This event is pending approval by NAHQ for 1.0 CE hour for CPHQ® recertification credit.


FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER   HQC Webinar.  FAHQ Members may request a promotional code from FAHQ Webinars to register for free.

FAHQ Live Webinar

Intermediate Excel Skills to Get More from Your Data
Tuesday, September 19, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT


Michael Callahan, MSOR 
Michael is married to the love of his life, Sarah, with whom he is helping to raise and homeschool four young children in Palm Coast, Florida. In his free time, he works as an improvement consultant and project lead for the Mayo Clinic out of Rochester, MN. After beginning his career in manufacturing, he transitioned into healthcare, the industry he has called home for the last 10 years. His experience is diverse after holding positions in research and clinical areas, inpatient and outpatient settings, and with pediatric and adult hospital systems. A lifelong learner, he has obtained degrees in bioengineering, chemical engineering, and operations research, education that has equipped him well for a career rich with problem-solving and creative thinking.  Michael joined the Florida Association for Healthcare Quality (FAHQ) in 2022 and has been an active member of the FAHQ Conference Planning Team for two years.

Program Description:
This webinar is designed to empower novice users with the skills to perform basic data analysis using Microsoft Excel. The session will cover fundamental data analysis concepts, essential Excel operations, and the creation of simple yet impactful data visualizations. Participants will learn through hands-on experience, gaining practical knowledge in sorting, filtering, and summarizing data with pivot tables, as well as transforming data into compelling visual stories with Excel’s charting tools. This concise and practical workshop is tailored to ensure attendees leave with the confidence to apply these new skills immediately.


This event has been submitted for pre-approval by NAHQ for 1.0 CE hour for CPHQ® recertification credit.

REGISTRATION OPEN. Healthcare Quality Collective members may request coupon code from to register for free.  Your membership will be verified.


Please contact the Professional Development Team if you have suggestions for educational topics and/or speakers.

  • Join our mailing list to receive the latest updates on FAHQ events.