Career Corner

Advertising Rates/Post a Job

The Career Corner section of the Florida Association for Healthcare Quality (FAHQ) web site allows you to place job postings that reach members who are professionals in the healthcare quality field.

Advertising your position(s) here will give you exposure to professionals practicing or consulting in acute, managed care, long-term care, home care, rehabilitation, mental health, hospice, academic and ambulatory care settings.

Posting includes four weekly emails to FAHQ subscribers notifying them about your positions during the 30-day period. Our user-friendly functionality allows you to enter your ad directly into our system. Payment is conveniently made through our merchant service provider.

The cost of posting is:
• For FAHQ Member(s) is $150.00 for 30 days.
• For Non-Member(s) is $300.00 for 30 days.

Description should be in paragraph form (Word or pdf) which includes the following elements:
A. Job Title and Requisition Number (#);
B. Qualifications;
C. Name of Company;
D. Location;
E. Brief description of company and benefits;
F. How to apply online within company website or send questions and resume to specific name;
G. Other information you deem important (i.e. Travel) and
H. Date of submission.

Click Here to post your job to our Career Corner.

For more information or difficulty with Form contact the FAHQ Website Team Leader.

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