Conference Speaker FAQ

Conference Speaker FAQ

FAHQ Annual Conference
April 3-5, 2024

Thank you for considering participation as a speaker in the Florida Association for Healthcare Quality (FAHQ) 2024 Annual Conference.  The conference will be held in Orlando April 3-5, 2024.


These are questions frequently answered for our potential conference speakers, and we hope the answers will support your decision to present at our conference.  If you have additional questions or need any clarification please contact your conference speaker coordinator by email at

  1. Will I receive a speaker fee?  To keep conference costs down for our members, FAHQ does not routinely offer speaker fees.  You will receive a 50% conference registration discount if you want to register to attend and obtain the continuing education credit.  If more than one member of your team attends, the conference registration discount is available to the primary presenter only.
  2. Will FAHQ cover my travel costs as a speaker? FAHQ will pay for one night at our host hotel and up to $50.00 for meals (receipts required).  Mileage reimbursement for speakers traveling within Florida will be at the FAHQ rate of $0.625 per mile.  Again, these costs are covered for the primary presenter if others from your team participate.  Any requested exceptions to these travel reimbursement guidelines will require FAHQ Board approval.
  3. Do I need to be a FAHQ member to be accepted as a speaker?  While we always encourage membership, you do not have to be a member to speak at the conference.
  4. Will I be presenting to a live audience?  Yes, FAHQ is continuing our face-to-face presentation.
  5. What is the best format for my presentation content?  The best format is to use PowerPoint slides, supported by your lecture and audience discussion.
  6. Will you share my PPT slides with those registered?  We will not provide in PPT format but will create a PDF handout for distribution.  You may request the PDF be created with two or three slides per page so consider the font size when creating your slides.
  7. Can I include video clips in my presentation?  Yes, but we ask that you only include MP4 format or a link to a YouTube video. You will work with audio-visual support on-site to make sure the video works.
  8. Will my presentation be recorded?  FAHQ is not planning to record any of the live sessions currently.  If a decision is made to do so, you will be contacted.
  9. What are my responsibilities as a speaker?  Briefly, this is what you need to do to be a FAHQ conference speaker (Note: timelines provided following this section):
    1. Submit your abstract using the online tool by the deadline date.
    2. When your abstract is accepted, complete the “Conference Speaker Application” and submit by the deadline date. The application will include a speaker agreement and information needed to obtain CE approval and promote the conference.  This includes presentation title and brief description, outline, objectives, and references.  You will also be asked to provide your CV, a brief bio, and a head shot.
    3. Respond timely to the Speaker Coordinator when additional information is needed regarding your presentation.
    4. Develop your presentation as PowerPoint slides and submit by stated deadline.
    5. Attend the conference to present and to take advantage of the other sessions and networking with our attendees.
Requirement Deadline
1.  Submit presentation abstract. September 30, 2023
2.  Receive notice of selection as speaker for 2023 conference. October 13, 2023
3.  Confirm your acceptance to speak at scheduled date/time. October 20, 2023
4.  Submit Conference Speaker Application (2024_Conf_Speaker_App) November 30, 2023
5.  Submit your registration if planning to attend full conference. January 31, 2024
6.  Reserve your hotel room if staying at hotel and notify Speaker Coordinator. February 16, 2024
7.  Submit final PPT slide presentation and any other handouts for attendees. March 1, 2024
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